Chairman Message

Most of us will consciously or sub-consciously admit about the proven notion that there is no dearth but only a striving need to unearth immense potential in any individua

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Principal Message

There comes a time in life when looking back is as much of a joy as looking forward. With all humility, we at both the Institutions – ‘Capital Model School’  can boas

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Features Capital Model School


Video Gallery

Our Childrens

Take a tour in Capital Model School School and you will find the best school in the state.



The School keeps strict watch on children to maintain a disciplined life for a bright and successful career in the coming future.

Future Leaders

Future Leaders:

Our School teaches the value of Team Spirit and leadership qualities to students for a bright and successful future.

Moral Values

Moral Values:

Great values are built on strong moral foundations. Children with moral values become legends in life.